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jueves, marzo 24, 2011
Ja es veia a venir, tot i ser de cop i volta, tot i ser quelcom inesperat. Pero les pitjors prediccions s'han fet realitat i ara ja només queda esperear. Esperar i creuar els dits per a que no torni a passar. I es que no és agradable veure el món des de les hombres. Aquestes de vegades guanyes i engulleixen tot el que troben, la llum del dia, les hores, el riures, les oportunitats... Costa lluitar contra l'obscuritat quan aquesta viu dins dels teus ulls...
jueves, marzo 17, 2011
S'ha acabat el temps de permis. Els minuts concedits en un partit. Toca afrontar pors i deixar per més endevant tot allo que sigui claror. Entro de nou dins la boca del llop i el final del tunel ara cau molt lluny.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7
miércoles, marzo 16, 2011
martes, marzo 15, 2011

Last night, in the county of New Hampshire, different witnesses say us that strange phenomenon appeared in the sky. Lights moved quickly and an erratic way on a clear night. The same witnesses called the police who didn’t make any official statement.
Some farmers of the community reported them that this early morning the more phenomena appeared without explains in their farmland. Those crops were still green they have emerged with clear signs of combustion. Scared people are hiding in their houses and some people are getting together in the pubs. They are looking forward to the news.
The Mayor confirms that these events may be the work of some jokers. The Mayor is in meeting whit Scotland Yard agents.
We have interviewed some of the affected of this strange event. Henry Smith said that last afternoon his crops were good. He said that this phenomenon hasn’t done by jokers because his dogs would have barker.
Although Rose McFinn who is 88 years old and she has lived in New Hampshire since she was born. She said that there are some younger who have fun to alarm to community.
We will keep you informed when we will have news.
Some farmers of the community reported them that this early morning the more phenomena appeared without explains in their farmland. Those crops were still green they have emerged with clear signs of combustion. Scared people are hiding in their houses and some people are getting together in the pubs. They are looking forward to the news.
The Mayor confirms that these events may be the work of some jokers. The Mayor is in meeting whit Scotland Yard agents.
We have interviewed some of the affected of this strange event. Henry Smith said that last afternoon his crops were good. He said that this phenomenon hasn’t done by jokers because his dogs would have barker.
Although Rose McFinn who is 88 years old and she has lived in New Hampshire since she was born. She said that there are some younger who have fun to alarm to community.
We will keep you informed when we will have news.


I és que a Barcelona plou a bots i barrals, el dia transformat en negra nit. Una ullada en sèpia del món modern.
Rierols d'aigua baixen carrer avall i el nostre edifici, amb complexa d'un vell vaixell mercantil, sura a la deriva entre la resta d'edificis de la ciutat. I el va i ve de les onades fa que tots dansem al ritme d'una musica silenciosa. En mig de la tempesta s'escolten crits de "achicar el agua" i som-hi tots a treure l'aigua per les finestres. Arremangats i amb botes de goma pugem i baixem plantes i segellem aquells despatxos que ja no podem salvar. I a tot això el veí del davant segueix fent fotos d'amagades a l'altre banda del carrer, creient-se amagat dins la foscor de l'habitació.
Qui deu ser???
Avui de segur que anirem a dormir baldats, tanta feina i tanta aigua sort en tenim que la gent de maquines estem a les ultimes plantes i aquí encara l'aigua no ha arribat.
domingo, marzo 13, 2011
Ara la pluja es tan suau que no escolto et tic tac de les gotes caure contra el terra i sembla que res hagues estat real...
I no se, si hagues sigut millor...
jueves, marzo 10, 2011
De tu

Però la gent no em creu i somric al veure la seva tossudesa lo equivocats que estan.
martes, marzo 08, 2011
Estar sense estar

Feliç dia de la dona treballadora.
jueves, marzo 03, 2011
miércoles, marzo 02, 2011
martes, marzo 01, 2011
Busco feina nova, busco vida nova
De vegades ens aixequem amb el peu esquerra i serà el temps però últimament tots els dies són de peu esquerre. I quan això succeeix és que la vida necessita una empenta per seguir endavant. Pintar nous horitzons, respirar nous aires. Un redecora la teva vida que impliqui des del pintaungles fins a l'hora d'anar a dormir. Canviar el fus horari, canviar el clima, i sobretot canviar el color de les cases i el cel. Però no se si tinc edat per fer unes coses o per fer unes d'altres. Si la vida és tal i com nosaltres volem pq no hem sento plena amb la vida que tinc? M'he quedat per por, per por a moltes coses, al canvi, a sentir-me sola. I no me adonat que ja ho estic.
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